The dynamic world of animation and video production is continually reshaped by technology and audience expectations, making it essential for 3D video production companies to stay abreast of the latest trends. In this blog, we explore the cutting-edge developments that are currently influencing the 3D animation and video production industry. From immersive augmented reality experiences to hyper-realistic visuals and a growing focus on sustainability, these trends are redefining the landscape and offering new avenues for creative expression and engagement. Let's dive into the top trends that 3D video production companies are leveraging to create compelling content. Immersive augmented reality Augmented Reality (AR) has taken a front seat in 3D animation and video production. AR blends digital content with the real world, offering an immersive and interactive experience for users. From mobile apps to smart glasses, AR is changing the way we perceive content. 3D video production comp...